Interest Groups
What are Interest Groups?
At TBT, we help people connect through shared interests. Whether you’re studying Torah, growing produce for Hopelink in our garden, playing Mah Jongg, singing with the choir, or exploring another activity, there’s something for everyone. Don’t see your interest here? Reach out, and we’ll help you get it started.
The mission of the Sisterhood of Temple B’nai Torah is to build connections between the women of Sisterhood to each other and, in turn, the Temple, our community and the world-at-large, as part of Women of Reform Judaism. We achieve this goal by providing opportunities for spiritual, social and intellectual growth.
Lay-Led Torah Study
Meets at 9:00am in the Library every Saturday year-round to discuss the Torah portion being read at services that day. The choice of a translation and commentary is up to each participant. The discussion emerges organically!
Mitzvah Corps
Mitzvah Corps is an all volunteer group made up of fabulous folks from the Temple community! We help our fellow members and their families in all sorts of wonderful ways. We may visit a homebound senior or pick up groceries for an ailing member. We might call a member who is recovering from surgery or drive someone to services. we sometimes even provide a couple of hours of childcare for a family in need. Some of us have drive a TBT member to a medical appointment because they were not well enough to drive themselves. There are all kinds of ways to help out, and you can give a little or give a lot. It's up to you. A little help can make a big difference in someone's life. Furthermore, if you need help yourself, be sure to call the Temple office so we can connect you with the help you need.
Mah Jongg
The mah jongg group usually meets every Monday from 1-3pm at Crossroads. The focus is on enjoying the game and each other's company. Players attend as avaialble, and the group is coordinated by email. To be placed on the list (as dates may vary depending on people's schedules), contact Barby Cohen at
Sat, February 8 2025
10 Sh'vat 5785
Today's Calendar
: 9:00am |
: 9:30am |
: 10:30am |
: 10:45am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 8 |
Feb 8 |
Feb 8 |
Feb 10 JCIJ Advocacy Training: Take Action for Immigrant Justice this Legislative Session Monday, Feb 10 6:30pm |
Feb 14 |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat B'shalach
Shabbat, Feb 8 |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |