Fingerprint Mosaic Calendar Banners
Over the course of 5783 (2022-20234), Temple B'nai Torah worked with Paper Midrash to create a series of twelve calendar banners for the Sanctuary, one for each Jewish month. These "Fingerprint Mosaics," were designed by Isaac & Rabbi Shawna Brynjegard-Bialik and executed by the entire TBT community, using their fingerprints to bring these colorful, vibrant banners to life - each inspired by the Jewish holiday cycle as well as local imagery and symbols.
Wall of Connections Art Gallery
These twelve panels that adorn our wall are the result of a congregational effort in 2002 to express our personal and communal aspirations. They serve as a confirmation and reminder of what is possible when we work together toward a common goal. Inspired by the women of Sisterhood, this project began as an effort to simply add a piece of artwork to our physical space. It grew into a process of visioning, creation and community building. Guided by artist, Nancy Katz, this multiple piece artwork was made by and for our congregation.
Internationally known Judaic artist, Nancy Katz, led us in the effort to create the twelve panels. Over a five day period in March, 2002, Nancy met with a variety of leadership groups of TBT. Beginning with a Sisterhood retreat and then continuing with Brotherhood, the faculty of our Beit Midrash, our Temple Board, clergy, senior staff, high school students, and Project Kehillah, and an ongoing Temple focus group, Nancy guided congregants through a process of reflection, sharing, laughter, and tears. In each session, participants were challenged to communicate in words and images what the Star of David meant to them. A short exercise highlighted the issues and feelings that arise in communal art making. Finally, words were identified that were most reflective of our community and our Jewish values.
Nancy then returned to her studio with the expressions of our community and created the outlined designs for twelve silk panels, each portraying a central value of our community through a Hebrew word and symbols. Each panel could stand alone, but was designed to work in sets of four, and as one large ensemble. If one looks closely, the entire collection could be displayed as a large Torah scroll.
Throughout the day on May 5, 2002, over 300 congregants came to our social hall, individually and in groups, and with the guidance of Nancy and the “veteran” Sisterhood women, we brought our “Wall of Connections” to life by painting the silk in vibrant colors ourselves. It was truly a multi-generational experience, and those who participated that day can point out their contribution and share memories of the day. For those who were not able to participate, the artwork serves as a starting point of understanding what our community stands for and what we as a community strive for.
Funded through a generous donation by Irl & Ruth Hirsch, in memory of Gloria Simon Hirsch, and by the Sisterhood of Temple B’nai Torah
Sat, September 14 2024
11 Elul 5784
Today's Calendar
: 9:00am |
: 10:30am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Sep 14 |
Sep 15 |
Sep 15 |
Sep 17 Davening Team Rehearsal Tuesday, Sep 17 6:00pm |
Sep 17 |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat Ki Teitzei
Shabbat, Sep 14 |
Erev Rosh HaShanah
Wednesday, Oct 2 |