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So You've "Found Your People"...

Perhaps it was a powerful sermon, a raucous Torah study session, a deeply meditative High Holiday experience or just a phone call from a new temple friend--if you feel drawn to our community, we welcome you and invite you to deepen your commitment to our TBT family.

Becoming a Member is the best next step for you…


Interested in learning more about our community? Fill out this form to tell us more!

Temple B’nai Torah is here 24/7 for all our members—through happy times and sad. Wherever you are on the spectrum of Jewish learning and practice, the clergy and staff of TBT are present for you, providing a place for you to connect & grow at your own pace and in your own way. We invite you to join us.


An important part of becoming a member of our community entails making a financial commitment to the congregation.

  • By making a membership pledge, you are agreeing to share, along with every other member of the Temple community, in the support of our ongoing activities and programs
  • Through your pledge, you help make it possible for families and individuals with fewer financial resources to also participate fully in Temple membership
  • Your pledge shows that Temple B’nai Torah and your own Jewish journey constitute important priorities in your life and the lives of your loved ones.
  • We also recognize that not everyone has the financial means at all times to meet the established targets. We will work with all those wanting to be members of our community who have financial hardships. No one should be discouraged from applying for temple membership based on an inability to contribute financially.

Temple B’nai Torah embraces a modified system that invokes the spirit of Fair Share (pledge is based on income) while creating reasonable “targets” to guide membership pledges. The following targets are based upon the number of adults and life stage of the family. 

In the table below, first look at your age bracket on the left, then to the number of adults* in the household on the right. The amount listed is for your annual contribution. (Divide by 12 to determine an estimated monthly cost.)




Ages   1 Adult 2 Adult
18-29   $15/mo (or $150/year if paid in full) $30/mo (or $300/year if paid in full)
30-35   $37.50/mo (or $375/year if paid in full) $75/mo (or $750/year if paid in full)
36-69   $137.50/mo (or $1375/year if paid in full) $275/mo (or $2750/year if paid in full)
70+   $95/mo (or $950/year if paid in full) $190/mo (or $1900/year if paid in full)


*Please note that religious school and activities for children & youth are typically charged independently of membership; however, participation is often either conditional upon membership or discounted for members.

Interested in Membership? Fill out this form to tell us more!


Members with the means to exceed these amounts are encouraged to give beyond the target. In our sacred community, we all share responsibility for our fellow congregants. Those who have more are asked to give more, to ensure we are able to welcome those who have less. We have four (4) Circles of Giving for those who are able to pledge a higher amount. We urge you to make a commitment to give at one of these higher levels.

Temple B’nai Torah’s Circles of Giving:

Torah Circle $18,000 +
Sage Circle $12,000-$17,999
Prophet Circle $6,000-$11,999
Scribe Circle $3,600-$5,999


Circles of Giving are based on Fiscal Year giving and include all gifts and donations except fees for events and classes.

If you are unable to cover these membership dues, please don't let that be a barrier to joining! We are more interested in you finding your place with us and contributing what you can than having you miss out on all the benefits of membership because of your financial situation. If you're worried about the finances, please contact us so we can find the right financial fit for you (and your family).

A deposit of $125 plus a $3.95 processing fee is required for those making payment arrangements (either semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly).

Those paying their full annual pledge amount online today will have their processing fee waived.

Household Information:

Household information is collected for Temple usage only. We do not share or otherwise distribute your personal information without your permission. We may ask to include your contact information in our member directory; however, you may opt-out of that at any time, and that information will be secured via an encrypted members-only portal.

Interested in Membership? Fill out this form to tell us more!


Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784