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wish Learning is a lifetime ende

We offer a variety of opportunities to engage with the community through guest speakers and classes. In addition, we co-sponsor Endless Opportunities, a community based program offering a variety of activities tailored for Jewish adults ages 60+ which take place throughout the Seattle area. We look forward to seeing you at our ongoing adult education events.

Upcoming Adult Education Programs

All Events
  • Saturday ,
    FebFebruary  15 , 2025
    Lay-Led Torah Study & Prayer Minyan

    Shabbat, Feb 15th 9:00a to 10:00a
    Join our lively lay-led Torah study to explore this week's Torah portion! At the end of the Torah study, we will recite Mourner's Kaddish for anyone who is in a period of mourning.


  • Wednesday ,
    FebFebruary  19 , 2025
    Adult B’Mitzvah Informational Meeting

    Wednesday, Feb 19th 6:00p to 7:00p
    Join this year’s Adult B’Mitzvah cohort to deepen your Jewish learning, get to know a group of TBT members better, and culminate the year in chanting from the Torah in a special Shabbat ceremony.


Ongoing Adult Education Programs

Lunchtime Talmud Study
Thursdays, 12pm - 1pm

Let's delve into the world of Talmud together over lunch! No Talmud experience necessary - this class is for everyone as we study using Adin Steinsaltz's accessible translation and relevant commentary. Check the weekly email for the Zoom link or email Rabbi Molly Weisel.

Lay-Led Torah Study
Saturdays, 9:00am - 10:00am

Join our virtual weekly lay-led Torah study for substantive conversation about the weekly Torah portion. Check the weekly email for the Zoom link or email contact@templebnaitorah.org.

Past Adult Education Programs

Join this discussion, sponsored by TBT's Sisterhood, about the miniseries Unorthodox, the story of a Hasidic woman in Brooklyn who runs away to Berlin to find new freedom. Watch the first episode on Netflix ahead of time and then gather for the discussion.

Ever since the Torah has been our core text there have been efforts to provide deeper insights into its meaning. Join Rabbi Mirel and explore how Midrash delves into the mysteries of Torah.

Ira Glass of This American Life says, “Great stories happen to people who know how to tell them.” Do you want to get better at captivating listeners? Whether you want to tell your story at the synagogue's Passover show on March 28 (more details on that coming soon), in a business meeting or college interview, or at the family table, professional storyteller Terry Wolfisch Cole of Tell Me Another will teach you the Moth-style skills you need to engage any audience.

The next Jewish History Chavurah discussion will be about Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project by Jack Mayer. During World War II, Irena Sendler, a Polish Catholic social worker, organized a rescue network of fellow social workers to save 2,500 Jewish children from certain death in the Warsaw ghetto. Incredibly, after the war her heroism, like that of many others, was suppressed by communist Poland and remained virtually unknown for 60 years. Unknown, that is, until three high school girls from an economically depressed, rural school district in southeast Kansas stumbled upon a tantalizing reference to Sendler's rescues, which they fashioned into a history project, a play they called Life in a Jar.

Morning Blessings
Start your Tuesday mornings with a blessing! Each week, we'll spend a little time learning about one of the blessings in our morning service and then we'll conclude by singing that blessing together.

Sat, February 8 2025 10 Sh'vat 5785