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The Solomike Early Childhood Center at TBT

SECC Donation Pledge Form

Donate to the Solomike Early Childhood Center:

Through a combination of a grant, loans, and donations from our community, we have secured nearly $4.5 million in funding. Todah tabah! We are tremendously grateful for your generosity.

Take advantage of our multi-year pledge option (up to 4 years) to pledge now, pay later. This project qualifies for corporate matching.

Want to learn more? Click here to learn more about the project. 

Contact Information

Pledge Information

As part of the Aim Chai campaign, I commit to making a multi-year pledge totaling $1,800 or more (as little as $36 per month) 

Payment Details

If paying by credit card, please provide your card information below:
Please make checks, corporate matches, or other gifts payable to:

Temple B’nai Torah SECC
15727 NE 4th Street
Bellevue, WA 98008

Email us at seccgiving@templebnaitorah.org with any questions. 

Additional Information

Separate each name with a comma
Separate each name with a comma
We are grateful for your commitment and support in helping make the Solomike Early Childhood Center at Temple B'nai Torah possible. Your pledge contributes to a larger mission of providing for the next generation.
Sat, February 8 2025 10 Sh'vat 5785