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Break Away from the Everyday. Get some Spiritual Exercise.
Come and Pray!

At Temple B’nai Torah, we see t'filah, prayer, as a radical act of hope. On Shabbat, for 25 hours, we imagine the world as it should be, rather than the world as it is. Shabbat is an invitation and, sometimes, a challenge to see light even when the world seems dark. Prayer helps us to give thanks and show gratitude for the little things that we often take for granted. Ultimately, we see prayer as a type of regular exercise for our souls to help us build the moral muscle to do the sacred work of tikun olam, repairing our fractured world.

We invite you to discover worship that is meaningful to you. Services are open to all.

Click here for info on our Shabbat service schedule

Learn more about our prayers with "T'filah Tidbits"

Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784