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Finding Our Way Together

10/10/2023 06:18:01 PM


Rabbi Art Nemitoff

As I write these words, the death toll of those murdered by terrorists in Israel has reached over 1,000. In addition, thousands more have been physically or emotionally traumatized. Added to this, we recognize that there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of Palestinians, who are equally suffering due to no actions on their part and are equal victims of the heinous acts committed in their name. 

While I continue to believe that the current and recent governments of Israel have contributed to the deterioration of dialogue between Palestinians and the  government, Israel is not responsible for this attack. That was the act of Hamas terrorists. There can be no doubt that—as President Biden described it—Hamas’ attack on Israel was “pure unadulterated evil.”

Let me make this personal. An incredible woman—Vivian Silver—with whom I have worked and deeply respect, a woman who has spent over three decades building bridges between Palestinians and Israelis, who has worked tirelessly to oppose any oppression by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people, is presumed to have been abducted and held hostage in Gaza. I and all who know, admire, and love Vivian are heartsick and praying for her safety and the safety of the more than 100 others also being held hostage in Gaza. It is unconscionable that innocents are held hostage. 

All that said, we look to the Talmud for insight as to what to do…what to do today and tomorrow. 

There we learn that if a funeral procession and a wedding procession encounter one another, the funeral procession must wait in order for the wedding to proceed. Joy always takes precedence over sorrow. 

And so…

As you will read in our weekly newsletter, we will continue to embrace life. 

We will encourage you to come this Friday as our rabbi emeritus, Rabbi Jim Mirel, leads Shabbat services with a discussion on Israel, and Lucy Braginski, a remarkable TBT teen, speaks and inspires us with her passion for supporting reproductive rights. During our Oneg following services, we will have an opportunity to write letters to legislative leaders across the country, encouraging them to support women and their right to control their bodies.

We encourage you to consider the social opportunities coming up in the life of our TBT community. 

We encourage you to join us on social justice projects. 

We encourage you to participate in our weekly Torah study or Talmud study. 

We  encourage you to join Sisterhood, to join our committees, to contact Donna Blakinship and volunteer for a Shared Vision conversation. 

We encourage you to do all this because if we don’t, then those who hate Israel and (for many, in my own opinion) hate Jews…well, they win. Quoting Emil Fackenheim in articulating a new 614th Commandment, “thou shalt not give Hitler a posthumous victory.”

I do NOT equate the Palestinians with the Nazis. I do NOT even consider it an appropriate comparison to the terrorists who entered Israel and murdered innocents. I DO believe that Fackenheim posited a lesson for us…echoing the Talmud: in confronting those who wish to destroy us, they fail when we embrace our Jewish lives fully and joyfully. When we do, we reassert the goodness of Judaism and we place another brick onto the emerging path of Jewish life that we each build!

Please keep my friend, Vivian, in your prayers. Remember all who were murdered. Remember all who are innocent who have died in the aftermath. Pray for healing for those wounded. Pray for innocent Palestinians and Israelis who suffer the trauma inflicted upon them by Hamas. Pray that a true peace is possible. And…embrace the offerings in this email and each week to come. 

Say proudly, “Hineini. Here I am, part of the Jewish people, part of our TBT community.”

Yes, hineinu! Here we are!

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784