Kabbalat Shabbat Service - Celebrating Rabbi Nemitoff
Friday, June 14, 2024 • 8 Sivan 5784
6:30 PM - 7:45 PMTemple B'nai TorahEvery Friday night, we offer a Shabbat service led by our clergy and gifted musicians. This is a time for reflection on the week past and the week ahead.
This Friday will be an extra special Shabbat as we celebrate and honor our Interim Senior Rabbi, Art Nemitoff, on his final Shabbat weekend at Temple B'nai Torah. An extra special Oneg will follow the service.
Over the past year, Rabbi Nemitoff has helped our community navigate a pivotal period of transition. As our interim senior rabbi, he guided us through valuable time reflecting on what TBT needs most in the next phase of our evolution. We are deeply grateful for Rabbi Nemitoff’s leadership as he helped us heal, dream big, and grow. We will miss him tremendously, but his legacy will remain in everything we have built together.
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