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Community Potluck Dinner

Friday, April 5, 2024 26 Adar II 5784

6:00 PM - 6:30 PMSocial Hall

This intergenerational potluck dinner begins after Tot Shabbat and before Shabbat Shirah! Please bring a dish to share and join the fun.

Please observe our kashrut policy when preparing your dish. The following food is not allowed on TBT grounds:
- Combination of milk and meat ingredients in the same dish
- Pork products of any kind
- Shellfish

No cost, but please register so we can anticipate the number of tables needed. 

Following our potluck, join us for our musical Shabbat Shirah service with guest artists Cantor Doug Cotler and his son, Rabbi Cantor Kyle Cotler at 6:30pm.

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Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784