Community-Led Shabbat Morning Service
Saturday, July 13, 2024 • 7 Tammuz 5784
10:30 AM - 12:00 PMTemple B'nai TorahThe second Saturday of each month, we have a community-led Shabbat service. This is a time for reflection on the week past and the week ahead.
A note on our Kiddush Lunches for the month of July: Typically, our services are followed by a Kiddush luncheon in our Social Hall. During the month of July, however, TBT will be undergoing a kitchen remodel and our kitchen facilities will not be available. We are asking everyone to bring your own picnic/sack lunch to enjoy together after Saturday Shabbat services July 6-27. We will have tables set up in or outside depending on weather. If anyone wants to bring some bagels, beverages or dessert to share, feel free, but it is not necessary. There will still be time to visit and connect with friends.
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